Friday, August 12, 2011

Fallen World

So....growing up, I don't think I even thought about the world being fallen.  I probably felt I was a pretty good person and that there was such a thing as good and bad people.  No longer, one of the things God has made very real to me, esp recently, is that this world is fallen, things don't work right, everything is work, life is hard and relationships even harder.  Sometimes I want to say, HEY GOD-I GOT IT, yeah there are people that if you measured their life against mine there's might seem worse, but my life has been mentally, physically and emotionally exhausting alot of the time.  This is hard for an emotional person like me, so easy to get pulled down and as I'm just learning to grasp for God (not other human things) futile at times.  So, I am trying, trying to pursue God-not my way-live as if He is the boss-not me-and wait.  I hate it, but I have to believe that God is in control and that His way will win.

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